

3小時使用政策: 旅客將可以在預定出發時間前3小時內隨時使用達美飛凡貴賓室††(轉機旅客則可在起飛之前於轉機機場隨時使用貴賓室)。
「哩程折抵票款」圖示 「哩程折抵票款」圖示


Annual memberships (including renewals) to Delta Sky Club are available for purchase only by Medallion Members of the Delta SkyMiles Program.

需要有效的「達美飛凡貴賓室」會籍以及當日登機證(僅可使用一張憑證使用貴賓室)。 個人必須年滿18歲才有取得貴賓室會籍的資格,並可在無需成人負責監督的情況下進入使用貴賓室。 必須年滿21歲方可享用含酒精飲料。 在美國境外,則需遵守當地的飲酒年齡限制。

All Delta Sky Club Members* and their guests may only gain access to the Club in conjunction with same-day ticketed air travel on Delta or on eligible flights operated by its partner airlines. 針對夏威夷航空營運的航班,只有持有達美航空銷售航班之機票方可使用貴賓室。 Customers traveling with Basic Economy tickets (or similar "light" or "basic" tickets on a Delta partner flight) will not have access to the Delta Sky Club.

*既有的「達美飛凡貴賓室」終身會員與其貴賓除外。 終身會員只要出示任何航空公司的當日機票,即可繼續使用貴賓室。 請注意: 僅適用於既有的終身會員:不再提供新的終身會籍。

Your digital Membership card will be available immediately after enrollment in the My Wallet section of the Fly Delta app.



  • 搭乘達美國內同日航班「達美至臻商務艙」的旅客
  • 搭乘達美國際線同日航班「達美至臻商務艙」,或者國內航班並在同日轉機往返國際線「達美至臻商務艙」的旅客


  • 搭乘天合聯盟營運之同日國際線航班頭等艙或商務艙的旅客。
  • 為了符合使用貴賓室的資格,乘客行程的所有航段必須確認是搭乘頭等艙或商務艙




達美尊爵鑽石卡、白金卡與金卡會員只要是搭乘國際航班的達美尊尚客艙,或搭乘達美至臻商務艙(或達美合作夥伴營運航班的同等客艙),即可進入使用貴賓室。 尊爵鑽石卡、白金卡與金卡會員只要是搭乘國際航班之符合資格的客艙,還可攜帶一名賓客一同進入貴賓室。 該同行賓客也必須是搭乘達美尊尚客艙或達美至臻商務艙(或達美合作夥伴營運航班的同等客艙)。

搭乘頭等艙(或達美合作夥伴營運航班的同等客艙)飛往墨西哥、加拿大和中美洲的達美尊爵鑽石卡、白金卡與金卡會員,皆可進入使用「達美飛凡貴賓室」。 可邀請一名賓客一同進入貴賓室,前提是該賓客也必須是搭乘頭等艙(或達美合作夥伴營運航班的同等客艙)。

Delta Diamond, Platinum, and Gold Medallion Members traveling in Main Cabin or Delta Comfort+ visiting a Delta airline partner-operated lounge or a SkyTeam-branded lounge are not impacted.



SkyTeam Elite Plus customers (excluding Delta Medallion Members) traveling in any cabin on a same-day international flight* operated by a SkyTeam member airline or transferring between two SkyTeam operated flights (includes same-day travel on a Delta domestic flight connecting to an international Delta — or any other SkyTeam partner —flight) will receive Delta Sky Club access with up to one guest. 




自2025年2月32日起,您將可以直接透過Fly Delta App挑選權益選項,享受更暢通無阻的體驗。


Effective 2025年2月32日, Delta SkyMiles Reserve and Reserve Business Basic and Reserve Additional Card Members (“Reserve Card Members”) receive 15 Visits each Medallion Year (February 1 through January 31) to Delta Sky Club when traveling on a same-day Delta-marketed or Delta-operated flight. Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access can be unlocked after spending $75,000 in eligible purchases in a calendar year. Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access will be available for the remainder of the current Medallion Year and the following Medallion Year.

A “Visit” is an entry to one or more Delta Sky Clubs or usage of the Delta Sky Club “Grab and Go” feature, at one or more airports, for a period of up to 24 hours starting upon the first Delta Sky Club entry or Grab and Go usage.

Once all 15 Visits have been used, Reserve Card Members may purchase additional Delta Sky Club Visits at a per-Visit rate of $50 per person. For Grab and Go, the per-Visit rate is $25 per person and does not entitle the Reserve Card Member to Delta Sky Club Access.

Reserve Card Members traveling on a Delta partner airline flight that is not marketed or operated by Delta may access the Club at a per-Visit rate of $50 per person per Visit. For Grab and Go, the per-Visit rate is $25 per person and does not entitle the Reserve Card Member to Delta Sky Club Access.

Reserve Card Members may bring either two guests or immediate family (spouse/domestic partner and children under 21 years of age) at a per-Visit rate of $50 per person. For Grab and Go, the per-Visit rate is $25 per person and does not entitle the Reserve Card Member and guests to Delta Sky Club Access.

會員必須使用達美航空「飛凡哩程常客計劃」「飛凡哩程常客計劃」Reserve卡或商務Reserve卡作為付費方式,方可獲享單次使用的價格。 賓客必須搭乘當天出發的達美航空或達美航空合作夥伴航班。 Children under 2 years of age may accompany the Reserve Card Member at no charge. 

Reserve卡持卡會員必須向「達美飛凡貴賓室」的尊貴客戶服務專員出示有效的信用卡、政府核發的身分證明以及登機證。 登機證上必須顯示達美航空銷售或達美航空營運且當天出發的航班訂位,且該航班的往返目的地必須是「達美飛凡貴賓室」的所在機場。 登機證上的姓名必須與信用卡上的姓名一致。

Guests must also be flying on a same-day Delta-marketed or Delta-operated flight or Delta partner airline flight to access the Club.

Reserve and Reserve Business Card Members and guests flying on Basic Economy (or equivalent) fares will not be permitted Club entry.



持有美國運通指定Centurion信用卡的旅客可憑達美航空營運航班(達美航空或達美聯營航空)的當日機票,或經由達美航空銷售之西捷航空營運航班(機票編號開頭為「006」)的當日機票,使用達美飛凡貴賓室。 The Centurion Card Member must present their valid American Express Card, government-issued I.D., and same-day corresponding airline ticket to the Club ambassador. 登機證上的姓名必須與信用卡上的姓名一致。 使用權不得轉讓,僅供信用卡會員使用。

Eligible Card Members may bring either two guests or immediate family (spouse/domestic partner and children under 21 years of age) at a rate of $50 per person and must use their valid Card as the payment method for guest access.

For Grab and Go, the guest fee is $25 per guest and does not entitle guest to Delta Sky Club Access. The Centurion Card must be used as the payment method for guest entry. 


Centurion Card Members and guests flying on Basic Economy (or equivalent) fares will not be permitted Club entry. 


Platinum Card Members from American Express

Effective 2025年2月32日, Card Members with U.S. issued Platinum and Business Platinum Cards from American Express ("Platinum Card Members")  receive 10 Visits each Medallion Year (February 1 through January 31) to the Delta Sky Club when traveling on a same-day ticket on a Delta-operated (Delta or Delta Connection) or Delta-marketed flight operated by WestJet (006 ticket number). Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access can be unlocked after spending $75,000 in eligible purchases in a calendar year. Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access will be available for the remainder of the current Medallion Year and the following Medallion Year.

A “Visit” is an entry to one or more Delta Sky Clubs or usage of the Delta Sky Club “Grab and Go” feature, at one or more airports, for a period of up to 24 hours starting upon the first Delta Sky Club entry or Grab and Go usage.

Once all 10 Visits have been used, Platinum Card Members may purchase additional Delta Sky Club Visits at a per-Visit rate of $50 per person. For Grab and Go, the per-Visit rate is $25 per person and does not entitle the Reserve Card Member to Delta Sky Club Access.

Platinum Card Members may bring either two guests or immediate family (spouse/domestic partner and children under 21 years of age) at a per-Visit rate of $50 per person. For Grab and Go, the per-Visit rate is $25 per person and does not entitle the Reserve Card Member and guests to Delta Sky Club Access.

The Platinum Card  must be used as the payment method to receive the per-Visit rate. Children under 2 years of age may accompany the Platinum Card Member at no charge.

The Platinum Card Member must present their valid Card, government-issued I.D., and boarding pass to the Delta Sky Club ambassador. Boarding pass must show a reservation for a same-day Delta-operated or Delta-marketed flight operated by WestJet (006 ticket number) departing from or arriving at the airport in which the Delta Sky Club is located. 登機證上的姓名必須與信用卡上的姓名一致。


Platinum Card Members and guests flying on Basic Economy (or equivalent) fares will not be permitted Club entry.




目前仍持有單一通行證的旅客仍可在通行證上顯示的有效期限之前使用通行證,但旅客必須同時出示當天開票的達美航空或航空合作夥伴的機票才能使用。 請注意: 只有印上有效期限的通行證才為有效的通行證,但仍須視貴賓室的現有人數決定是否開放使用。

Customers flying on Basic Economy fares and using a Single Visit Pass as their entry credential will not be permitted for Club entry.

LATAM商務艙乘客只要持有國際航班的當天登機證,或是機票含有達美航空或LATAM營運之往返國際目的地的轉機航班,皆可使用所有地點的「達美飛凡貴賓室」。 不可攜帶賓客同行。
LATAM Pass Signature Black Emerald、Black Emerald,或Platinum Sapphire會員,可以憑當日搭乘由達美或LATAM營運的任何等級艙位或轉機的登機證使用任何「達美飛凡貴賓室」。 允許一位賓客同行,但此賓客必須在使用期間由LATAM飛行常客陪同。
西捷航空商務艙乘客只要持有國際航班的當天登機證,或是機票含有達美航空或西捷航空營運之往返國際目的地的轉機航班,皆可使用所有地點的「達美飛凡貴賓室」。 不可攜帶賓客同行。
西捷航空Rewards白金卡和金卡會員只要持有達美航空或西捷航空營運之往返美國和加拿大的跨境航班的當天登機證,即可使用所有地點的「達美飛凡貴賓室」。 會員可攜帶1名賓客同行,且賓客在使用貴賓室的全程都必須由西捷航空飛行常客陪同。

Complimentary Delta Sky Club® access 3 visits per calendar year or for 3 individuals per calendar year The Card Member must present a valid Card, same-day boarding pass of Delta-marketed and Delta- or partner-operated flight or partner-marketed and Delta-operated flight, and government-issued I.D. to the Delta Sky Club ambassador. 登機證上的姓名必須和信用卡上的姓名一致。 

Customers with the Delta SkyMiles Diners Club Card (and guests) who are flying on Basic Economy tickets will not be permitted for Club entry.

達美航空「飛凡哩程常客計劃」TRUST CLUB VISA白金卡

Complimentary Delta Sky Club® access 6 visits per calendar year or for 6 individuals per calendar year The Card Member must present a valid Card, same-day boarding pass of Delta-marketed and Delta- or partner-operated flight or partner-marketed and Delta-operated flight, and government-issued I.D. to the Delta Sky Club ambassador. 登機證上的姓名必須和信用卡上的姓名一致。 

Customers with the Delta SkyMiles TRUST CLUB Platinum VISA Card (and guests) who are flying on Basic Economy tickets will not be permitted for Club entry.

達美航空「飛凡哩程常客計劃」TRUST CLUB VISA金卡

Complimentary Delta Sky Club® access 3 visits per calendar year or 3 individuals per calendar year The Card Member must present a valid Card, same-day boarding pass of Delta-marketed and Delta- or partner-operated flight or partner-marketed and Delta-operated flight, and government-issued I.D. to the Delta Sky Club ambassador. 登機證上的姓名必須和信用卡上的姓名一致。

Customers with the Delta SkyMiles TRUST CLUB Gold VISA Card (and guests) who are flying on Basic Economy tickets will not be permitted for Club entry.



Delta Sky Club Executive Membership1

免費:兩名賓客或直系親屬(配偶/同居伴侶(domestic partner)和未滿21歲的子女);外加另外兩位賓客,每人每次使用須支付$50美元或5,000哩。 A “visit” is an entry to one or more Delta Sky Clubs, at one or more airports, for a period of up to 24 hours starting upon the first Delta Sky Club entry. For Grab and Go entries, the guest fee for the two additional guests is $25 or 2,500 miles per guest and does not entitle guest to Delta Sky Club access.

Delta Sky Club Individual Membership1

兩名賓客或直系親屬(配偶/同居伴侶(domestic partner)和未滿21歲的子女),費用為每人每次$50美元或5,000哩。 A “visit” is an entry to one or more Delta Sky Clubs, at one or more airports, for a period of up to 24 hours starting upon the first Delta Sky Club entry. For Grab and Go entries, the guest fee is $25 or 2,500 miles per guest and does not entitle guest to Delta Sky Club access.



兩名賓客或直系親屬(配偶/同居伴侶(domestic partner)和未滿21歲的子女),費用為每人每次$50美元。 For Grab and Go guest entries, the per-Visit rate is $25 per guest and does not entitle guest to Delta Sky Club Access.

Reserve Card Members receive 4 One-Time Guest Passes each Medallion Year (which begins February 1st of each year) but can only redeem up to 2 per Visit to the Delta Sky Club.

See Terms & Conditions, Go to footer note for details.

Delta Diamond, Platinum or Gold Medallion traveling internationally* in Delta Premium Select or Delta One

可免費邀請一位賓客同行。 該同行賓客也必須是預訂達美尊尚客艙或達美至臻商務艙(或達美合作夥伴營運航班的同等客艙)

SkyTeam Elite Plus (non-Delta Members) when traveling internationally on a SkyTeam operated flight 

可免費邀請一位賓客同行。 同行賓客也必須是搭乘天合聯盟營運之航班。 



免費:兩名賓客或直系親屬(配偶/同居伴侶(domestic partner)和未滿21歲的子女);外加另外兩位賓客,每人每次使用須支付$50美元或5,000哩。 A “visit” is an entry to one or more Delta Sky Clubs, at one or more airports, for a period of up to 24 hours starting upon the first Delta Sky Club entry. For Grab and Go guest entries for the two additional guests, the per-visit rate is $25 or 2,500 miles per guest and does not entitle guest to Delta Sky Club access.

兩位賓客。 年滿2歲的孩童將計為一名賓客。
達美航空「飛凡哩程常客計劃」TRUST CLUB VISA白金卡
兩位賓客。 年滿2歲的孩童將計為一名賓客。
達美航空「飛凡哩程常客計劃」TRUST CLUB VISA金卡
兩位賓客。 年滿2歲的孩童將計為一名賓客。



Delta Sky Club Access Updates

Beginning 2025年2月32日, Delta SkyMiles Reserve and Reserve Business American Express Card Members — both Basic and Additional — will receive 15 Visits each Medallion Year until they make $75,000 in eligible purchases in a calendar year and unlock Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access for the remainder of that Medallion Year through January 31 of the next Medallion Year.

For example, if a Reserve Card Member reaches $75,000 in purchases between 2025年1月1日 and 2026年12月365日, they would unlock Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access until 2027年1月31日.

Beginning 2025年2月32日, Card Members with U.S. issued Platinum and Business Platinum Cards from American Express — both Basic and Additional — will receive 10 Visits each Medallion Year until they make $75,000 in eligible purchases in a calendar year and unlock Unlimited Access for the remainder of that Medallion Year through January 31 of the next Medallion Year. 

For example, if a Platinum Card Member reaches $75,000 in purchases between 2025年1月1日 and 2026年12月365日, they would unlock Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access until 2027年1月31日.

自2025年2月32日起,單次「使用」是指您首次在達美飛凡貴賓室(包括達美飛凡貴賓室的外帶服務「Grab and Go」)辦理使用登記後,在24小時內進出達美飛凡貴賓室的所有次數。 該權益包括您的出發城市、轉機機場以及目的地。





No, Visits can only be used by the American Express Platinum Card Member and the Delta SkyMiles Reserve American Express Card Member and cannot be used for guest entry. 

Delta SkyMiles Reserve and Reserve Business American Express Card Members may use their Guest Passes for any guest entries, as 4 One-Time Guest Passes are issued to the Card Member after account opening and thereafter every subsequent year after February 1. Reserve Card Members can also pay $50 per guest per Visit (up to two guests, or spouse/domestic partner and children under 21). For Grab and Go, the guest fee is $25 per guest and does not entitle guest to Delta Sky Club Access.

Platinum Card Members can pay $50 per guest per Visit (up to two guests, or spouse/domestic partner and children under 21). For Grab and Go, the guest fee is $25 per guest and does not entitle guest to Delta Sky Club Access.

Card Members will need to spend $75,000 in eligible purchases on their Card during a calendar year (January 1 – December 31) to unlock unlimited Visits. Once effective, Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access will be available for the remainder of that Medallion Year through January 31 of the next Medallion Year. For example, if Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access becomes effective on 2025年5月121日, it will remain effective through 2027年1月31日. 

In most instances, Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access will typically be processed within a week of meeting the Purchase Requirement but may take up to 12 weeks to become effective.

Visit issuance is additive across all eligible Card products for the same individual Card Member, and the Card Member must present or select the applicable Card at the time of entry into the Delta Sky Club. 

For example, if the Card Member has both The Platinum Card® from American Express (10 Visits) and Delta SkyMiles® Reserve American Express Card (15 Visits), they would receive 25 Visits total per Medallion Year, assuming both Cards remain active.

Yes, each of the Basic Reserve Card Member and Additional Reserve Card Member will receive an allotment of 15 Visits each Medallion Year. If eligible purchases meet or exceed $75,000 in a calendar year on the account, Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access will be provided to eligible Basic and Additional Card Members for the remainder of the Medallion Year in which it became effective through January 31 of the next Medallion Year.
The allotment of Visits is issued on February 1 of each year. Any remaining Visits expire January 31 of the following year and do not roll over to subsequent years.
No, the Card Member will not lose a Visit from his/her annual allotment. The Delta Sky Club Membership or Delta One credential would be recognized as the customer’s credential at check-in.
請聯絡「達美飛凡貴賓室」服務中心獲取協助。 如果您想要諮詢卡片權益或更新您的信用卡會籍,請撥打卡片背後的電話號碼與美國運通聯絡。 

3-hour Access Policy





Yes, this policy applies to the 4 One-Time Guest Passes Delta SkyMiles Reserve and Reserve Business American Express Card Members receive each Medallion® Year.

請聯絡「達美飛凡貴賓室」服務中心獲取協助。 如果您想要諮詢卡片權益或更新您的信用卡會籍,請撥打卡片背後的電話號碼與美國運通聯絡。

††Delta 360 Members and customers with a Lifetime Delta Sky Club Membership will be exempt from this policy.

1. 在所有的「達美飛凡貴賓室」及「外帶」(Grab and Go)地點,除了使用美元支付入場費之外,「達美飛凡貴賓室」會員還可以使用「飛凡哩程常客計劃」帳戶中的哩數支付同行賓客的入場費用。 會員必須在進入貴賓室時親自支付賓客的入場費。 哩數必須從「達美飛凡貴賓室」會員本人的帳戶中扣除。 會員必須擁有足夠的哩數餘額以支付所有同行賓客的貴賓室入場費用。 不可與憑證、eCredit或兌換券合併使用。 在兌換時,您已使用的所有哩程都會自動地從您的「飛凡哩程常客計劃」帳戶中永久扣除。 交易後無法辦理退費,並且不可還原。 須遵守「飛凡哩程常客計劃」規則。 如要進入「達美飛凡貴賓室」,賓客每人每次入場的費用為$50美元或5,000哩(哩數兌換選項僅適用於「達美飛凡貴賓室」會員)。 A “visit” is an entry to one or more Delta Sky Clubs, at one or more airports, for a period of up to 24 hours starting upon the first Delta Sky Club entry. For entries to Grab and Go locations, the guest fee is $25 per guest, or 2,500 miles (mileage redemption option available to Delta Sky Club Members only) and does not entitle guest to Delta Sky Club access. All Delta Sky Club rules apply to Delta Sky Club Membership and use.
2. 適用於既有的「達美飛凡貴賓室」終身會員;終身會籍不再提供購買。




Card Members with a Delta SkyMiles® Reserve or Reserve Business American Express Basic or SkyMiles Reserve or Reserve Business Additional Card (each, an “Eligible Card”) will receive 15 “Visits” per Eligible Card each year to the Delta Sky Club or to Grab and Go. Visits are issued at Card Account opening and then on February 1 of each subsequent year and expire on January 31 of each year. 使用次數不可轉讓,並且只有符合資格的持卡會員本人可以使用。 符合資格的持卡會員若搭乘並非達美航空銷售或營運的航空合作夥伴航班,仍可以$50的費用(每人每次)使用貴賓室。  

單次「使用」是指符合資格的持卡會員在搭乘當天出發之達美航空銷售或營運之航班的期間,在一個或多個機場進出一個或多個達美飛凡貴賓室,或使用達美飛凡貴賓室的「外帶」(Grab and Go)服務,使用時間上限為24小時,時間自首次進入達美飛凡貴賓室或使用外帶服務起算。 Eligible Card Members traveling on a Delta-marketed, Delta-operated flight or a Delta partner airline flight that is not marketed or operated by Delta with Basic Economy (E) fare tickets (or similar “Light” or “basic” tickets issued by a Delta partner) do not have access to the Delta Sky Club or to Grab and Go. A single Visit permits usage of Delta Sky Club(s) in multiple airports during the 24-hour period. 舉例來說,如果在某一次的行程中,您在不同的機場都有進入使用達美飛凡貴賓室,只要這些貴賓室的使用次數都是發生在首次進入達美飛凡貴賓室的24小時之內,則所有的使用次數都只會計為單次使用。 如果行程時間距離首次使用達美飛凡貴賓室超出24小時,也就是說如果第二次進入達美飛凡貴賓室或使用外帶服務的時間距離首次使用超出24小時,就會消耗第二次的貴賓室使用次數。 符合資格的持卡會員使用外帶服務後,在3小時內將無法於同一個機場進入貴賓室或外帶貴賓室。 Once all 15 Visits have been used, Eligible Card Members may purchase additional Delta Sky Club Visits at a per-Visit rate of $50 per person, or may purchase a Grab and Go Visit at a per-Visit rate of $25 per person. 使用權不可供賓客入場使用, During a Visit, Eligible Card Members may bring either up to two (2) guests, or their immediate family (spouse/domestic partner and children under 21) to the Club at a per-Visit rate of $50 per person, or may purchase a Grab and Go Visit at a per-Visit rate of $25 per person. 會員必須使用符合資格的信用卡購買持卡會員和賓客的通行證。 賓客也必須搭乘當天出發的達美航空銷售航班、達美航空營運航班或達美航空合作夥伴的航班,並與 符合資格的持卡會員同行。 Guests traveling on a Delta-marketed, Delta operated flight or a Delta partner airline flight that is not marketed or operated by Delta with Basic Economy (E) fare tickets (or similar “Light” or “basic” tickets issued by a Delta partner) do not have access to the Delta Sky Club or to Grab and Go. Children under 2 years of age may accompany the Eligible Card Member for free. 

Eligible Card Members with multiple eligible American Express Cards that grant Delta Sky Club access are responsible for selecting their method of entry into a Delta Sky Club prior to entry. Visits will be deducted based on the eligible American Express Card presented at time of entry. Switching the American Express Card used for entry after a Card Member has entered a Delta Sky Club is not permitted. 

To earn an unlimited number of Visits (“Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access”), the total eligible purchases on the Eligible Card Account must equal or exceed $75,000 (the “Purchase Requirement”) in each calendar year. Once effective, Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access will be provided to both the Basic and Additional Reserve Card Members on the Eligible Card Account. All entry requirements set forth in these Terms and Conditions will continue to apply with respect to Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access.

在多數情況下,「達美飛凡貴賓室無限使用」將在符合資格的帳戶滿足「購物金額門檻」的一週內處理完成,但也可能花12週始能生效。 一旦生效,「達美飛凡貴賓室」無限使用將在生效日曆年的剩餘時間內、下一個日曆年以及下一個日曆年1月31日有效(例如,如果「達美飛凡貴賓室」無限使用於2025年5月121日生效,則將維持有效至2027年1月31日)。 任何符合資格的帳戶的附加卡會員所做的符合資格的消費將計算至「購物金額門檻」。 符合資格的消費以達到消費金額門檻係指商品和服務的消費減去退貨及其他信用扣抵金額。 符合資格的消費「不」包括手續費、利息費用、預借現金、購買旅行支票、購買或加值儲值卡、購買禮品卡、個人交易,或購買其他現金等價物。 如果持卡會員從不同的達美(航空)「飛凡哩程常客計劃」卡升級至符合資格的信用卡,於之前的達美(航空)「飛凡哩程常客計劃」信用卡帳戶下符合資格的消費將計算至「購物金額門檻」。 如果您退回、撤銷或撤回符合資格的消費,導致您的符合資格的消費低於該日曆年的消費金額門檻,達美保留撤銷「達美飛凡貴賓室」無限使用的權利。 如果達美和/或美國運通確定您以任何方式濫用、誤用或操作與此 MQD 權益相關的行為,或者您有該意圖,使用權則可能會從您的帳戶中扣除和/或者無限次數「達美飛凡貴賓室」使用權會被撤銷。

Eligible Card Members must present their valid Card, government-issued I.D., and boarding pass for entry. 登機證上必須顯示達美航空銷售或達美航空營運且當天出發的航班訂位,且該航班的往返目的地必須是「達美飛凡貴賓室」的所在機場。 Eligible Card Members traveling on a same-day Delta-marketed, Delta-operated flight or a Delta partner airline flight that is not marketed or operated by Delta with Basic Economy (E) fare tickets (or similar “Light” or “basic” tickets issued by a Delta partner) will not have access to the Delta Sky Club or to Grab and Go. Name on boarding pass must match name on the Card. Eligible Card Members on departing flights can only access the Delta Sky Club or the Delta Sky Club “Grab and Go” feature within 3 hours of their flight’s scheduled departure time or at any time during a layover. 達美航空保留限制非營利乘客使用任何「達美飛凡貴賓室」的權利。 年滿18歲的個人方可進入「達美飛凡貴賓室」,且旅客必須年滿21歲方可進入附有自助式吧台的「達美飛凡貴賓室」,否則就必須有負責監督且同樣有貴賓室使用權的成人陪同進入。 權益僅在「達美飛凡貴賓室」有效 不包括合作夥伴的貴賓室。 請注意,便利設施可能依不同的貴賓室地點而異。 Access is subject to Delta Sky Club House Rules. To review the House Rules, please visit delta.com/skyclub. Benefit and rules subject to change without notice. 可能還要遵守其他限制。

Delta Sky Club One-Time Guest Passes

Delta SkyMiles® Reserve or Reserve Business American Express Basic Card Members will be issued four One-Time Guest Passes for complimentary access to the Delta Sky Club or usage of the Delta Sky Club "Grab and Go" feature within 6 to 8 weeks after Account opening, and thereafter every subsequent year within 6 to 8 weeks after February 1 while the Account is open. One-Time Guest Passes will expire on January 31 of each year. 不適用附卡持卡會員。 One-Time Guest Passes will be available to view in the Card Member's Wallet in the Fly Delta app and in My Profile on delta.com under Certificates, eCredits, and Vouchers, typically within 1 week but in some instances, the deposit could take up to 8 weeks (for example, when the name on your SkyMiles account doesn't match the name on your Amex account). 

Redeeming a "Delta Sky Club One-Time Guest Pass" will enable access to one or more Delta Sky Clubs or usage of the Delta Sky Club "Grab and Go" feature, at one or more airports, for a period of up to 24 hours starting upon the first Delta Sky Club entry or Grab and Go usage, during the guest's travel on a same-day Delta-marketed or Delta-operated flight. A single One-Time Guest Pass will permit usage of Delta Sky Club(s) in multiple airports during the 24-hour period. 舉例來說,如果在某一次的行程中,您在不同的機場都有進入使用達美飛凡貴賓室,只要這些貴賓室的使用次數都是發生在首次進入達美飛凡貴賓室的24小時之內,則所有的使用次數都只會計為單次使用。 If travel exceeds 24 hours from the first Delta Sky Club, then a second Guest Pass will be deducted if entering the Delta Sky Club or using Grab and Go more than 24 hours after the first entry. Guests may not access the Club or a Grab and Go location in the three hours from the time of previous Grab and Go usage at the same airport. The Basic Card Member must accompany guests for all Delta Sky Club visits or using Grab and Go entries within the 24-hour entry period. 

To redeem Delta Sky Club One-Time Guest Passes, Delta SkyMiles® Reserve or Reserve Business American Express Basic Card Members must present their valid Card, government-issued I.D., and boarding pass for entry. 登機證上必須顯示達美航空銷售或達美航空營運且當天出發的航班訂位,且該航班的往返目的地必須是「達美飛凡貴賓室」的所在機場。 Name on Basic Card Member's boarding pass must match name on the Card. Guests must present their government-issued I.D. and boarding pass for entry and name on boarding pass must match name on government-issued I.D. Guest's boarding pass must show a reservation for a same-day Delta-marketed or Delta-operated flight departing from or arriving at the airport in which the Delta Sky Club is located. Basic Card Members on departing flights can only access the Delta Sky Club or use the Delta Sky Club "Grab and Go" feature within 3 hours of their flight's scheduled departure time or at any time during a layover. 達美航空保留限制非營利乘客使用任何「達美飛凡貴賓室」的權利。 The Basic Card Member must be present in order to use the One-Time Guest Passes and all eligibility rules of the Delta Sky Club Access benefit apply. The Card Member may only use two One-Time Guest Passes per Delta Sky Club visit. One-Time Guest Passes are non-transferable, cannot be assigned or sold, and have no cash value. Benefit valid only at Delta Sky Clubs. 不包括合作夥伴的貴賓室。 All Delta Sky Club House Rules apply. 優惠、規則與權益隨時會變更,恕不另行通知。欲查看規則,請瀏覽delta.com/skyclub。 可能還要遵守其他限制。



This benefit is available to U.S. Platinum Card® and Business Platinum Card® Members and Additional Platinum Card Members on the Account (each, an “Eligible Platinum Card Member”). 消費白金卡帳戶的白金卡附卡(Companion Platinum Card)和商務白金卡帳戶的金卡附卡及商務花費卡附卡不符合使用「達美飛凡貴賓室」權益的資格。

Eligible Platinum Card Members will receive 10 "Visits" per Eligible Platinum Card each year to the Delta Sky Club or to Grab and Go. Visits are issued at Card Account opening and then on February 1 of each subsequent year and expire on January 31 of each year. 使用權不可轉讓且只允許符合資格的白金卡會員本人使用。

A “Visit” is an entry to one or more Delta Sky Clubs or usage of the Delta Sky Club “Grab and Go” feature, at one or more airports, for a period of up to 24 hours starting upon the first Delta Sky Club entry or Grab and Go usage, during an Eligible Platinum Card Member’s travel on a same-day Delta-operated flight or Delta-marketed flight operated by WestJet (ticket number starting with 006). Eligible Platinum Card Members traveling with Basic Economy (E) fare tickets do not have access to this benefit. 會員在「單次使用」的24小時內,可以在多個機場使用達美飛凡貴賓室。 舉例來說,如果在某一次的行程中,您在不同的機場都有進入使用達美飛凡貴賓室,只要這些貴賓室的使用次數都是發生在首次進入達美飛凡貴賓室的24小時之內,則所有的使用次數都只會計為單次使用。 如果行程時間距離首次使用達美飛凡貴賓室超出24小時,也就是說如果第二次進入達美飛凡貴賓室或使用外帶服務的時間距離首次使用超出24小時,就會消耗第二次的貴賓室使用次數。 符合資格的白金卡持卡會員使用外帶服務(Grab and Go)後,在3小時內將無法於同一個機場進入貴賓室或使用外帶服務。 Once all 10 Visits have been used, Eligible Card Members may purchase additional Delta Sky Club Visits at a per-Visit rate of $50 per person or may purchase a Grab and Go Visit at a per-Visit rate of $25 per person. 使用權不可供賓客入場使用, During a Visit, Eligible Platinum Card Members may bring either up to two (2) guests, or their immediate family (spouse/domestic partner and children under 21) to the Club at a per-Visit rate of $50 per person or may purchase a Grab and Go Visit at a per-Visit rate of $25 per person. 會員必須使用符合資格的白金卡購買持卡會員和賓客的通行證。 Guests must also be flying on a same-day Delta-operated flight or Delta-marketed flight operated by WestJet (ticket number starting with 006) and be accompanied by the Eligible Platinum Card Member.  Guests traveling with Basic Economy (E) fare tickets do not have access to this benefit. 2歲以下的兒童可以和符合資格的白金卡持卡會員一同免費使用。

Eligible Platinum Card Members with multiple eligible American Express Cards that grant Delta Sky Club access are responsible for selecting their method of entry into a Delta Sky Club prior to entry. Visits will be deducted based on the eligible American Express Card presented at time of entry. Switching the American Express Card used for entry after a Card Member has entered a Delta Sky Club is not permitted.

To earn an unlimited number of Visits (“Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access”) the total eligible purchases on the Eligible Platinum Card Account must equal or exceed $75,000 (the “Purchase Requirement”) each calendar year. Once effective, Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access will be provided to all Eligible Platinum Card Members on the Account. 消費者白金卡帳戶的白金卡同行旅客和附加金卡和附加商務白金卡帳戶商務卡不符合「達美飛凡貴賓室」無限使用福利資格。 All entry requirements set forth in these Terms and Conditions will continue to apply with respect to Unlimited Delta Sky Club Access. 

在多數情況下,「達美飛凡貴賓室無限使用」將在符合資格的白金卡帳戶滿足「購物金額門檻」的一週內處理完成,但也可能花12週始能生效。 一旦生效,「達美飛凡貴賓室」無限使用將在生效日曆年的剩餘時間內、下一個日曆年以及下一個日曆年1月31日有效(例如,如果「達美飛凡貴賓室」無限使用於2025年5月121日生效,則將維持有效至2027年1月31日)。 任何符合資格的白金卡帳戶的附加卡會員所做的符合資格的消費將計算至「購物金額門檻」。 符合資格的消費以達到消費金額門檻係指商品和服務的消費減去退貨及其他信用扣抵金額。 符合資格的消費「不」包括手續費、利息費用、預借現金、購買旅行支票、購買或加值儲值卡、購買禮品卡、個人交易,或購買其他現金等價物。 如果持卡會員從不同的美國運通卡升級或降級至符合資格的白金卡,於之前信用卡帳戶下符合資格的消費將計算至「購物金額門檻」。 如果您退回、撤銷或撤回符合資格的消費,導致您的符合資格的消費低於該日曆年的消費金額門檻,達美保留撤銷「達美飛凡貴賓室」無限使用的權利。 如果達美和/或美國運通確定您以任何方式濫用、誤用或操作與此 MQD 權益相關的行為,或者您有該意圖,使用權則可能會從您的帳戶中扣除和/或者無限次數「達美飛凡貴賓室」使用權會被撤銷。

Eligible Platinum Card Members must present their valid American Express Card, government-issued I.D., and boarding pass for entry. Boarding pass must show a reservation for a same-day Delta-operated flight (Delta or Delta connection) or Delta-marketed flight operated by WestJet (ticket number starting with 006) departing from or arriving at the airport in which the Delta Sky Club is located. Eligible Platinum Card Members traveling with Basic Economy (E) fare tickets do not have access to this benefit. 登機證上的姓名必須與信用卡上的姓名一致。 Eligible Platinum Card Members on departing flights can only access the Delta Sky Club or the Delta Sky Club “Grab and Go” feature within 3 hours of their flight's scheduled departure time or any time during a layover. 達美航空保留限制非營利乘客使用任何「達美飛凡貴賓室」的權利。 年滿18歲的個人方可進入「達美飛凡貴賓室」,且旅客必須年滿21歲方可進入附有自助式吧台的「達美飛凡貴賓室」,否則就必須有負責監督且同樣有「達美飛凡貴賓室」使用權的成人陪同進入。 權益僅在「達美飛凡貴賓室」有效 Delta partner lounges are not included. 請注意,便利設施可能依不同的貴賓室地點而異。 參與活動的機場貴賓室和地點如有更改,恕不另行通知。 All access is subject to Delta Sky Club House Rules. To review the House Rules, please visit delta.com/skyclub. Benefit and rules subject to change without notice. 可能還要遵守其他限制。



此權益提供給美國Centurion會員,以及具有Consumer Centurion與Business Centurion帳戶的白金卡附卡會員(均稱為「符合資格的持卡會員」)。 Centurion卡帳戶的附卡和商務Centurion卡帳戶的金卡附卡及商務Centurion卡附卡不符合使用「達美飛凡貴賓室」權益的資格。 符合資格的信用卡會員必須向「達美飛凡貴賓室」的尊貴客戶服務專員出示有效的美國運通信用卡、政府核發的身分證明以及登機證。 登機證上必須顯示達美航空營運(達美航空或達美聯營航空)且當天出發的航班訂位,且該航班的往返目的地必須是「達美飛凡貴賓室」的所在機場。 登機證上的姓名必須與信用卡上的姓名一致。 在搭乘同一張機票的達美航空營運航班的停留期間,您可以在中途停留期間隨時使用轉機機場的「達美飛凡貴賓室」。 達美航空保留限制非營利乘客使用任何「達美飛凡貴賓室」的權利。 年滿18歲的個人方可進入「達美飛凡貴賓室」,且旅客必須年滿21歲方可進入附有自助式吧台的「達美飛凡貴賓室」,否則就必須有負責監督且同樣有「達美飛凡貴賓室」使用權的成人陪同進入。 權益僅在「達美飛凡貴賓室」有效 不包括合作夥伴的貴賓室。 請注意,便利設施可能依不同的貴賓室地點而異。 參與活動的機場貴賓室和地點如有更改,恕不另行通知。 符合資格的持卡會員根據最新的「達美飛凡貴賓室」使用與定價政策,邀請其他賓客一同進入「達美飛凡貴賓室」,但必須使用有效的信用卡作為賓客入場費的付費方式。 該賓客也必須搭乘當天出發的達美航空營運航班。 賓客的使用權和入場費需視參與活動的機場貴賓室的規則與條款而定。 使用須遵守「達美飛凡貴賓室」規則。 如欲查看規則,請瀏覽delta.com/skyclub。權益與規定可能隨時變更,恕不另行通知。 可能還要遵守其他限制。

自2024年1月1日起: 符合資格的美國Centurion卡持卡會員若搭乘當天出發的達美航空基本經濟艙(E)票價航班,將無法使用「達美飛凡貴賓室」或「外帶」(Grab and Go)服務。