
Playing the Game
Sweepstakes Entries
You can still enter for a chance to win by mailing in your first and last name, and your email address associated with your SkyMiles Membership Account to The Delta Sync Sky Hopper Game Sweepstakes at PO Box 20706, Atlanta, GA 30354.
Please note that one mail-in entry equals one mobile game submission. If you have submitted over the maximum entry limit of 30 per month, all other entries exceeding this amount will not be qualified for the drawing.
Sweepstakes Winner Selection & Prizing
After the Monthly Drawing, two winners will be selected to each receive a $400 Delta Gift Card. If you are one of the selected potential winners, a member of the Delta Air Lines team will reach out to the email associated with your SkyMiles Membership Account to validate your eligibility to receive the prize. For the full list of Drawing Dates, please see the Official Rules.
If you did not win the prize, you will not be contacted by a member of the Delta Air Lines team.
請至delta.com官網或致電1-800-225-1366,即可將達美禮品卡兌換為全球各地的航班。 禮品卡可兌換包含機票在內的「Delta Vacations®」度假套裝行程,請至delta.com/vacations或致電1-800-800-1504以進行兌換。
電子禮品卡和實體禮品卡僅可用於航空運輸所花費的總金額,包括稅金、手續費以及航空運輸需繳納的附加費,或是用於兌換包含機票在內的「Delta Vacations」度假套裝行程(不包括任何獎勵機票或「哩數+現金」機票的現金部分)。 不可用於支付任何其他費用(包括行李費用),或用於購買任何其他產品或服務(包括機上購物、客艙升等、豪華座位(完成最初的機票購買後);加速累積哩程、達美郵輪、貨運、酒店住宿或租車)。