最近更新日期: 2024年12月13日
在延誤發生前,達美已具備一套專為預報及調整運行故障設計的綜合機制,以減少乘客在登機後長時間的延誤。 達美總部的營運/客戶中心(OCC)負責每天執行這項計劃,同時密切注意我們顧客的安全和舒適。
- 對於出境航班,航班在關閉主機艙門以提供出口後最遲三個小時(國內航班)或四個小時(國際航班)開始返回合適的下機點,或
- 機長確定在合適的下機點讓乘客下機會危及乘客的安全,或者有安全相關原因導致飛機無法離開停機坪上的地點讓乘客下機,或
- Air Traffic Control (ATC) advises the pilot-in-command that returning to a suitable disembarkation point to deplane passengers would significantly disrupt airport operations.
達美已發展出設有警告點的詳盡計劃,能將因為未預期原因導致飛機滑行延誤的時間都計算在內。 Delta's plan meets or exceeds all limits imposed by this rule.
Delta's contingency plan assures that Delta has sufficient resources to meet the tarmac rule’s passenger egress requirements, including for diverted flights. The plan also ensures that Delta will meet or exceed the DOT’s specified guidance for required onboard services during a tarmac delay, including: adequate food and potable water no later than two hours after the start of the tarmac delay (unless the pilot-in-command determines that safety or security considerations preclude such service); operable lavatory facilities; appropriate medical attention; comfortable cabin temperature conditions, and other customer comfort needs.
這項計劃確保達美能符合或超越以下明確的必需品供應指示: 停機坪延誤後兩小時內須提供足夠的食物和飲用水,除非機長基於安全考量決定取消提供這項服務;可用的盥洗室;醫療照護、適宜的客艙溫度和其他乘客的舒適需求。
The OCC is responsible for the management and execution of the plan. 此計劃的內部決策也由OCC負責。 Airport Customer Service (ACS), Flight Operations, and In-Flight Service will carry out the plan at the station and flight level.
這項計劃是建立在目前實施的標準營運流程之上,用來處理過長時間的登機延誤和轉飛。 All stations have identified resources and developed procedures that will allow them to effectively bring a plane off the runway and open the door, giving the passengers the opportunity to disembark within specified time limits.
Stations will ensure that diversions are given the same priority as other taxi delays, meaning passenger egress will be allowed prior to the 3-hour mark (4 hours for international flights). 個別的航站計劃應允許至少30分鐘(在較大機場可能需要到60分鐘)來完成重返登機門和乘客下機的任務。
所有航站都擁有與機場營運和當地政府機構(TSA和CBA,如適用)協調合作的計劃,以符合跑道延誤規定要求。 This consists of contingency plans for fixing or replacing inoperative equipment, provisioning and servicing of aircraft, as well as gate or remote pad parking considerations (including sharing facilities and making gates available during an emergency).
當航機位於登機門處且機艙門開啟時,由ACS進行廣播通知。 一旦機艙門關閉後,會由機組人員進行廣播通知。 廣播通知將:
- Occur at least every 30 minutes while the aircraft is delayed.
- Identify the reason for the delay and tentative departure time.
- Explain the possible effect of the DOT's tarmac delay rule.
- Inform customers of the ability to egress, if the opportunity exists, beginning 30 minutes after scheduled departure (including revised departure time) and every 30 minutes thereafter.
Aircraft Cabin Temperature Management
Cabin temperatures will be continuously monitored by the crew during boarding and after departure. If at any point cabin temperature falls outside at acceptable levels for either the crew or passengers, the crew will promptly notify the Pilot-in-command (PIC).
- While the aircraft is on the tarmac, the crew will attempt to adjust the cabin temperature by lowering window shades and adjusting the aircraft's temperature controls.
- If these efforts are insufficient and the temperature remains uncomfortable, the PIC may decide to return the aircraft to the gate or another suitable disembarkation point.
- If the aircraft is at the gate, the PIC will coordinate with ACS to halt boarding until the cabin temperature reaches acceptable levels.