「Delta Vacations」旅遊保障計劃及旅遊保障增值計劃:


您的假期是時間和金錢的投資。 Delta Vacations, in conjunction with Trip Mate, the foremost provider of travel protection plans and travel insurance, help assure your investment, yourself, and your family are protected from the unexpected.



  • Travel Protection Plan — offering basic coverage
  • Travel Protection Plan PLUS — a more extensive option — including all of the benefits with the Travel Protection Plan — PLUS a lowest-price guarantee and more convenient method of payment on your refund






Cancel for any reason




For Complete Details go to: 







以達美航空Delta Vacations兌換券的方式收到退還的款項2


1The Cash Back refund option, coverage of pre-existing conditions and Price Protection only applies if the Travel Protection Plan Plus is purchased within seven (7) days of your initial deposit for your trip (and for pre-existing conditions, must not be disabled from travel at the time the plan is purchased).
2The Cancel For Any Reason Waiver and coverage of pre-existing conditions applies only if the Travel Protection Plan is purchased within seven (7) days of your initial deposit for your trip, and must not be disabled from travel at the time the plan is purchased.

Cancel For Any Reason Waiver (provided by Delta Vacations)


  • The standard coverage of the Travel Protection Plan protects the cost of your vacation and protects you from most cancellation penalties. Also, you can cancel for any reason, and have comfort in knowing that your travel investment is protected. 必須在預定出發時間前取消。
  • The Cancel For Any Reason Waiver is provided by Delta Vacations, and is not an insurance benefit underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company.


In addition to Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation, the plan includes other benefits to help protect you from the unexpected during your vacation, such as:

  • Medical and emergency assistance — includes benefits up to $25,000 for medical expenses, emergency medical transportation and 24-hour emergency assistance service for illness or injury during the trip.
  • Post-departure trip interruption — covers you up to the original cost of your trip, when you must interrupt your trip or return home early for covered reasons, such as sickness, injury or other covered reasons.
  • Travel delay — pays up to $100 per day for meals and accommodations when you are delayed on your trip for 12 hours or more.
  • Baggage delay — reimburses you up to $250 for clothing and personal items if your luggage is delayed more than 24 hours.
  • Loss or damage to baggage or personal effects — covers up to $2,500 for loss or damage to baggage or personal effects that occur during the trip.


  • 如果購買,預訂記錄中的每位旅客都必須購買旅遊保障計劃。
  • 旅遊保障計劃費用僅在颶風保險涵蓋的取消情況提供退款(或在州要求的免費查看期內)。
  • Refer to Delta Vacations Cancellation & Change Policy for penalty and refund details.
  • 某些限制適用於在我們的團體部門預訂的團體旅遊。
  • 某些項目可能無法退款,例如演出或活動門票、主題公園門票等。


  • Receive the refund of the cost of your vacation package AND cancellation fees in the form of your original payment, should you need to cancel your vacation for any reason (less the cost of the protection plan)
  • 獲得最優惠價格保證

最優惠價格保證(由「Delta Vacations」提供)

如果「Delta Vacations」以更低的價格銷售一項完全相同的假期商品,「Delta Vacations」將提供價格保證。 銷售的假期商品必須有提供,並且包含相同的航空商品部分(包括票價艙等)、酒店和客房類別,以及任何其他之前購買的內容,包括旅遊保障增值計劃。 套裝行程價差的退款將以原始付款方式退還。



  • 以較低的價格進行一個新的預訂並保留預訂。
  • 請注意: 某些預訂可能須使用信用卡確認。
  • Contact Delta Vacations at 1-800-800-1504, 6:00 am - 11:00 pm CST.
  • If the new reservation qualifies, the travelers will receive confirmation of the new reservation at the adjusted price. 之前的預訂將以原始付款方式退款。


  • 進行一個新的預訂並使用信用卡確認。
  • Contact Delta Vacations at 1-800-800-1504, 6:00 am - 11:00 pm CST.
  • If the new reservation qualifies, the travelers will receive confirmation of the new reservation at the adjusted price. 之前的預訂將以原始付款方式退款。


  • 旅遊保障增值計劃不適用於「有哩行遍天下」或升等的預訂。
  • 最優惠價格保證提供總套裝行程價格保證,非單一部分的價格保證。
  • 所有的商品部分必須在進行新預訂時有提供。
  • 最優惠價格保證必須是完全相同的度假套裝行程,包括相同的日期、機票部分、酒店和客房類別,以及任何其他之前購買的部分,包括旅遊保障增值計劃。
  • Lowest price guarantee is allowed to be used only one time per booking, and may be exercised up to the time of departure.
  • 用於原始預訂的促銷代碼必須在申請最優惠價格保證時仍為有效,才得以使用促銷代碼折扣。 如果促銷代碼己過期,只要符合所有的規則與條款,就可以使用新的促銷代碼。
  • 最優惠價格保證不適用於團體預訂。
  • Lowest price guarantee cannot be purchased separately, and is only available through the Travel Protection Plan PLUS program.
  • 「Delta Vacations」擁有這些規定的最終解釋權,並保留在不另行通知的情況下變更規則與條款的權利。



  • Contact Delta Vacations at 1-800-800-1504 or online at delta.com/vacations.
  • 在付款步驟中輸入/提供印在旅遊憑證文件正面的12位旅遊憑證號碼。
  • 如有必要,請提供其他的付款方式。
  • 「Delta Vacations」將以預訂過程中要求的郵寄方式核發及寄送您的旅遊憑證。


  • Travel certificate is valid for the value indicated on the front of the travel certificate document when redeemed toward the purchase of any Delta Vacations air and hotel package; air, hotel and car package; hotel-only; or hotel and car or ground transportation package purchase.
  • 可以兌換旅遊憑證全額,或以增量兌換憑證上的價值或兌換憑證餘額。
  • 如果預訂價格高於旅遊憑證的價值,則需要使用其他的方式支付餘額以完成交易。
  • 以旅遊憑證兌換的旅行文件將以預訂過程中指定的郵寄方式核發並寄送。
  • 使用此旅遊憑證購買商品的費用將從餘額中扣除,直到價值為零或有效期限為止,以較早之日期為準。
  • 旅遊憑證任何未使用的部分將不予以退款或換成抵用額度。
  • 旅遊憑證不可用於團體預訂、滑雪預訂、禮品卡或其他旅遊憑證。
  • 旅遊憑證的有效期限印在有效期限文件的正面;在旅遊憑證有效期限之前進行付款才有效。
  • 不可延長旅遊憑證有效期限,亦無法加值。
  • 遺失、遭竊或被損壞的憑證均不得補發。
  • 如果旅遊憑證經塗改或出售即無效,不可轉讓、不可退款,不可兌換成現金,沒有轉售價值,且僅供旅遊憑證文件正面上指明的人士使用。
  • 旅遊憑證不可追溯,不能用於已全額付款的預訂的替代付款方式。
  • 如果使用旅遊憑證付款的預訂經取消,扣除適用的取消手續費後的任何剩餘價值將退還至原始旅遊憑證,所有原始旅遊憑證條款適用,包括原始有效期限。
  • 旅遊憑證不能用於與旅遊憑證簽發的原始旅行具有相同出發地和目的地以及相同出發和抵達日期的「Delta Vacations」預訂。
  • 必須透過「Delta Vacations」兌換,不能透過達美航空公司或網站delta.com兌換。
  • 所有的機票和旅遊文件須由「Delta Vacations」開票簽發。
  • 適用標準規則與條款以及取消政策,於預訂過程中提供;其他限制適用。
  • 「Delta Vacations」擁有這些規定的最終解釋權,並保留在不另行通知的情況下變更規則與條款的權利。
  • 旅遊同業: 可以透過我們的旅行社網站或訂位組兌換旅遊憑證。




  • 請致電1-800-800-1504,或上網deltavacations.com聯絡「Delta Vacations」。
  • 在付款步驟中輸入/提供印在旅遊憑證文件正面的12位旅遊憑證號碼。
  • 如有必要,請提供其他的付款方式。
  • 「Delta Vacations」將以預訂過程中要求的郵寄方式核發及寄送您的旅遊憑證。


  • 當兌換購買任何的「Delta Vacations」機票和酒店度假套裝行程;機票、酒店和租車套裝行程;只有酒店;或酒店和租車或地面交通套裝行程時,旅遊憑證文件正面所示的價值為有效價值。
  • 可以兌換旅遊憑證全額,或以增量兌換憑證上的價值或兌換憑證餘額。
  • 如果預訂價格高於旅遊憑證的價值,則需要使用其他的方式支付餘額以完成交易。
  • 以旅遊憑證兌換的旅行文件將以預訂過程中指定的郵寄方式核發並寄送。
  • 使用此旅遊憑證購買商品的費用將從餘額中扣除,直到價值為零或有效期限為止,以較早之日期為準。
  • 旅遊憑證任何未使用的部分將不予以退款或換成抵用額度。
  • 旅遊憑證不可用於團體預訂、滑雪預訂、禮品卡或其他旅遊憑證。
  • 旅遊憑證的有效期限印在有效期限文件的正面;在旅遊憑證有效期限之前進行付款才有效。
  • 不可延長旅遊憑證有效期限,亦無法加值。
  • 遺失、遭竊或被損壞的憑證均不得補發。
  • 如果旅遊憑證經塗改或出售即無效,不可轉讓、不可退款,不可兌換成現金,沒有轉售價值,且僅供旅遊憑證文件正面上指明的人士使用。
  • 旅遊憑證不可追溯,不能用於已全額付款的預訂的替代付款方式。
  • 如果使用旅遊憑證付款的預訂經取消,扣除適用的取消手續費後的任何剩餘價值將退還至原始旅遊憑證,所有原始旅遊憑證條款適用,包括原始有效期限。
  • 旅遊憑證不能用於與旅遊憑證簽發的原始旅行具有相同出發地和目的地以及相同出發和抵達日期的「Delta Vacations」預訂。
  • 必須透過「Delta Vacations」兌換,不能透過達美航空公司或網站delta.com兌換。
  • 所有的機票和旅遊文件須由「Delta Vacations」開票簽發。
  • 適用標準規則與條款以及取消政策,於預訂過程中提供;其他限制適用。 A $20 charge applies to new bookings made over the phone.
  • 「Delta Vacations」擁有這些規定的最終解釋權,並保留在不另行通知的情況下變更規則與條款的權利。
  • 旅遊同業: 可以透過我們的旅行社網站或訂位組兌換旅遊憑證。



Benefits on this page are described on a general basis only. There are certain restrictions, exclusions (including a Pre-Existing Conditions Exclusion) and limitations that apply to all insurance coverages. This advertisement does not constitute or form any part of the Plan description or any other contract of any kind. Plan benefits, limits and provisions may vary by state jurisdiction. To review full plan details online, go to: www.tripmate.com/wpF409B, opens in a new window for the Travel Protection Plan or www.tripmate.com/wpF409N, opens in a new window for the Travel Protection Plan Plus. Plan Payments are made up of Insurance Benefits and Non-Insurance Services.

Louisiana, Maryland, and Oklahoma residents looking to obtain additional information regarding the features and pricing of each travel plan component, please contact Trip Mate at 1-833-210-0676.

Insurance Benefits are underwritten by: United States Fire Insurance Company, 5 Christopher Way, 2nd Flr, Eatontown, NJ 07724 under Policy Form Series T210.The Cancellation Fee Waiver is not insurance underwritten by US Fire and is provided by Delta Vacations. Non-Insurance Services are not insurance benefits underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company. One Call 24-Hour Assistance Services are provided by One Call Worldwide Travel Services Network, Global Xpi Medical Records Services are provided by Trip Mate.

Plan Administrator: Trip Mate, Inc. (in CA & UT, dba Trip Mate Insurance Agency) 9225 Ward Parkway, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64114, 1-833-210-0676.